The Čapek Brother's Orchards

The Čapek Brother's Orchards

Little-Known Prague: This charming garden located just 3 minutes walk from the metro station Jiřího z Poděbrad is one of the small picturesque parks of Prague.

This charming garden located just 3 minutes walk from the metro station Jiřího z Poděbrad is one of the small picturesque parks of Prague.

The place was founded in 1903 after the demolition of the Šafránka estate, the garden of which was rebuilt and opened to public as a city park. It was called Bezruč‘s Orchards (Bezručovy sady), after the famous Silesian poet, until 2016. Recently, it has been renamed as the Čapek Brothers’ Orchards – to honour the giants of Czech literature Karel and Josef Čapek, who lived and worked in the Vinohrady area.

Besides its perfectly arranged upper part, the park is also extended further behind the Dykova street. You can find there a less planned green area with a constructivist church and a popular local café.

How to get there: Metro A to the station Jiřího z Podebrad or directly by tram (10, 16) to the stop “Vinohradská vodárna”)